Cabin crew members fly across the country and the globe and interact with thousands of people from different places every day. It is often the case that the only common language that everybody from different places knows is English and it is thus that it is of utmost importance that cabin crew members are able to speak impeccable English to fliers and their fellows as well. However, it is unreasonable to expect that all potential cabin crew members speak excellent English, and if you are indeed one of those who needs a little help,
Here are a few tips on how to improve English for cabin crew/ air hostess-
- Watch English content:
- Watching English content with English or regional language subtitles as you feel comfortable will not only help a cabin crew member pick up the language, grammar, and vocabulary quickly, but will also help them to pick up different accents if they are able to watch content produced in different parts of the world.
- This is especially beneficial to cabin crew as they meet different people with different accents on an everyday basis.
- Listen to audiobooks and podcasts:
- Listening to audiobooks and podcasts serves a similar purpose as watching movies. These will help one to pick up good grammar, intonation, pronunciation, and some vocabulary as well.
- Reading along with an audiobook is also beneficial for picking up reading skills.
- Start speaking English on an everyday basis:
- Speaking English on an everyday basis with friends and family is a good way to practice spoken English so that one does not freeze when a flier addresses them in English and expects them to reply in the same language.
- Speaking every day in English can also help one pick up small hints on how local languages interact with English grammar and one can incorporate the same in their speech while interacting with domestic fliers
- Listen to music and pay attention to the lyrics:
- Listening to English music can help one learn colloquially used phrases and terms that one will hardly find in books and maybe not even in movies or podcasts
- Listening to songs also is a lot of fun and will not feel like an active effort to learn a language
- Knowing popular music and popular culture can be a matter of bonding between the cabin crew member and a flier if there ever needs to be one
- Read!
- The best way to learn a language and the culture associated to it is to read literature and good literature written in the language. English has a rich history of literature that can help one learn more about the language.
- Reading also does the job of broadening one’s horizons and helping them learn new things about the world- something that never goes to waste
- Record yourself while speaking
- One can use one’s mobile device to record speaking English and listen to it again to understand where more work needs to be put in. Needless to say, English grammar resources are plentifully available online can be put to use to improve where one lacks