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All Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

All Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Understanding the body parts name in Hindi and English is essential for effective communication, especially in medical contexts. This article provides a comprehensive list of body parts, including internal, male, and female body parts, with their names in both Hindi and English.

Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Head and Face Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Headसिर (Sir)
Hairबाल (Baal)
Foreheadमाथा (Matha)
Eyeआंख (Aankh)
Eyebrowभौं (Bhaun)
Eyelashपलक (Palak)
Earकान (Kaan)
Noseनाक (Naak)
Cheekगाल (Gaal)
Mouthमुंह (Munh)
Lipहोंठ (Honth)
Teethदांत (Daant)
Tongueजीभ (Jeebh)
Chinठोड़ी (Thodi)
Neckगर्दन (Gardan)

Upper Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Shoulderकंधा (Kandha)
Armबांह (Baanh)
Elbowकोहनी (Kohni)
Wristकलाई (Kalai)
Handहाथ (Haath)
Fingerउंगली (Ungli)
Thumbअंगूठा (Angootha)
Chestछाती (Chati)
Backपीठ (Peeth)
Waistकमर (Kamar)

Lower Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Hipकूल्हा (Koolha)
Thighजांघ (Jaangh)
Kneeघुटना (Ghutana)
Legपैर (Pair)
Ankleटखना (Takhna)
Footपांव (Paav)
Toeपैर की अंगुली (Pair Ki Anguli)

Internal Body Parts Name in Hindi and English


Brainमस्तिष्क (Mastisk)
Heartदिल (Dil)
Lungsफेफड़े (Phephde)
Stomachपेट (Pet)
Liverजिगर (Jigar)
Kidneyगुर्दा (Gurda)
Intestinesआंतें (Aantein)
Pancreasअग्न्याशय (Agnyashaya)
Bladderमूत्राशय (Mutrashaya)
Spleenतिल्ली (Tilli)

Female Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Female Reproductive Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Breastस्तन (Stan)
Ovaryअंडाशय (Andashaya)
Uterusगर्भाशय (Garbhashaya)
Vaginaयोनि (Yoni)
Fallopian Tubeफैलोपियन ट्यूब (Fallopian Tube)
Cervixगर्भाशय ग्रीवा (Garbhashaya Greeva)

Other Parts

Hipकूल्हा (Koolha)
Waistकमर (Kamar)

Male Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Male Reproductive Parts Name in Hindi and English

Penisलिंग (Ling)
Testiclesअंडकोष (Andkosh)
Prostate Glandप्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि (Prostate Granthi)

Other Parts

Chestछाती (Chati)
Shoulderकंधा (Kandha)

Conclusion – Body Parts Name in Hindi and English

Knowing the names of body parts in both Hindi and English is crucial for various purposes, including education, medical consultations, and daily communication. This comprehensive guide covers the major body parts, internal organs, and gender-specific body parts in both languages, making it a valuable resource for learners and professionals alike.


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