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A to Z Words List with Meaning in English and Hindi

A to Z Words List with Meaning in English and Hindi

A to Z Words List with Meaning

Building a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication, whether in writing or speaking. In this blog, we provide a comprehensive A to Z words list with meaning to help you learn new words, improve your language skills, and enhance your word power.

This list includes English words from A to Z with their meanings, making it useful for students, professionals, and language enthusiasts. Let’s dive in!

A to Z Words List with Meaning

A Words with Meaning

1. Abundant – Available in large quantities (प्रचुर)

2. Accurate – Correct and precise (सही)

3. Admire – To respect or approve (प्रशंसा करना)

B Words with Meaning

4. Benevolent – Kind and generous (दयालु)

5. Bizarre – Very strange (अजीब)

6. Bliss – Extreme happiness (परम आनंद)

C Words with Meaning

7. Candid – Honest and straightforward (स्पष्टवादी)

8. Charismatic – Charming and persuasive (आकर्षक)

9. Compassion – Sympathy and concern (दया)

D Words with Meaning

10. Diligent – Hardworking (परिश्रमी)

11. Dynamic – Energetic (गतिशील)

12. Diverse – Varied (विविध)

E Words with Meaning

13. Eloquent – Fluent in speech (वाक्पटु)

14. Empathy – Understanding others’ feelings (सहानुभूति)

15. Essential – Absolutely necessary (आवश्यक)

F Words with Meaning

16. Fervent – Passionate (उत्साही)

17. Flourish – Thrive (फलना-फूलना)

18. Fortitude – Courage in pain (सहनशक्ति)

G Words with Meaning

19. Gracious – Kind (दयालु)

20. Gregarious – Sociable (मिलनसार)

21. Gumption – Initiative (सूझ-बूझ)

H Words with Meaning

22. Harmony – Peaceful agreement (सामंजस्य)

23. Humble – Modest (विनम्र)

24. Hypnotic – Mesmerizing (सम्मोहक)

I Words with Meaning

25. Iconic – Symbolic (प्रतिष्ठित)

26. Impeccable – Flawless (निर्दोष)

27. Innovative – Creative (अभिनव)

J Words with Meaning

28. Jubilant – Overjoyed (आनंदित)

29. Judicious – Wise (विवेकपूर्ण)

30. Jovial – Cheerful (हंसमुख)

K Words with Meaning

31. Keen – Eager (उत्सुक)

32. Kindle – Ignite (प्रज्वलित करना)

33. Knightly – Chivalrous (बहादुर)

L Words with Meaning

34. Luminous – Radiant (चमकीला)

35. Lucid – Clear (स्पष्ट)

36. Loyal – Faithful (वफादार)

M Words with Meaning

37. Magnificent – Splendid (शानदार)

38. Meticulous – Detail-oriented (सूक्ष्म)

39. Modest – Humble (संकोची)

N Words with Meaning

40. Noble – Honorable (महान)

41. Nurture – Care for (पालन-पोषण)

42. Notable – Remarkable (उल्लेखनीय)

O Words with Meaning

43. Optimistic – Hopeful (आशावादी)

44. Ornate – Decorated (सजावटी)

45. Obedient – Compliant (आज्ञाकारी)

P Words with Meaning

46. Pragmatic – Practical (व्यावहारिक)

47. Pristine – Unspoiled (अछूता)

48. Persevere – Persist (दृढ़ रहना)

Q Words with Meaning

49. Quintessential – Perfect example (सार)

50. Quirky – Unconventional (विचित्र)

51. Quench – Satisfy (शांत करना)

R Words with Meaning

52. Resilient – Tough (लचीला)

53. Revere – Deeply respect (सम्मान करना)

54. Radiant – Shining (दीप्तिमान)

S Words with Meaning

55. Serene – Calm (शांत)

56. Sagacious – Wise (बुद्धिमान)

57. Spontaneous – Unplanned (स्वतःस्फूर्त)

T Words with Meaning

58. Tenacious – Persistent (दृढ़)

59. Tranquil – Peaceful (शांत)

60. Thrive – Prosper (फलना-फूलना)

U Words with Meaning

61. Ubiquitous – Omnipresent (सर्वव्यापी)

62. Unanimous – Fully agreed (एकमत)

63. Upbeat – Optimistic (उत्साहित)

V Words with Meaning

64. Valiant – Brave (बहादुर)

65. Vibrant – Lively (जीवंत)

66. Virtuous – Morally good (सदाचारी)

W Words with Meaning

67. Witty – Clever (चतुर)

68. Wondrous – Amazing (अद्भुत)

69. Wary – Cautious (सतर्क)

X Words with Meaning

70. Xenial – Hospitable (अतिथि-सत्कार)

71. Xeric – Dry (शुष्क)

72. Xenon – Chemical element (एक गैस)

Y Words with Meaning

73. Yearning – Strong desire (तड़प)

74. Yielding – Flexible (लचीला)

75. Yonder – Distant (दूर)

Z Words with Meaning

76. Zealous – Passionate (उत्साही)

77. Zenith – Peak (शिखर)

78. Zesty – Energetic (स्फूर्तिदायक)

Basic English words with meaning in Hindi

Here are some basic English words with meaning in Hindi:

  1. Hello – नमस्ते (Namaste)
  2. Goodbye – अलविदा (Alvida)
  3. Thank you – धन्यवाद (Dhanyavaad)
  4. Yes – हाँ (Haan)
  5. No – नहीं (Nahi)
  6. Please – कृपया (Kripaya)
  7. Sorry – माफ़ कीजिए (Maaf kijiye)

Commonly Asked Questions

1. What is the best way to memorize A to Z words?

  • Use mnemonics, flashcards, and daily practice.

2. How can I improve my vocabulary fast?

  • Read books, newspapers, and use vocabulary apps.

3. Are these words useful for competitive exams?

  • Yes! These words are helpful for IELTS, GRE, SAT, and UPSC.


Expanding your vocabulary with an A to Z words list with meaning is a great way to enhance your language skills. Whether for exams, professional growth, or daily communication, these words will help you speak and write more effectively.


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