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10 Lines Short Stories with Moral: In Hindi, English & Tamil

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral: In Hindi, English & Tamil

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral

Short stories with moral lessons are a great way to convey meaningful messages in a concise manner. They are particularly effective for children and adults alike, as they deliver powerful life lessons in just a few sentences. In this article, we will explore various 10 lines short stories with moral in different languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu, suitable for both adults and kindergarteners.

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral for Adults

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral for Adults:-

1. The Wise Old Owl

In a forest, there lived a wise old owl. He observed everything but said little. One day, a young bird asked him, “Why are you always silent?” The owl replied, “The more you see and listen, the less you speak.” The young bird learned the importance of listening and observing more than talking. Moral: Wisdom comes from listening and observing.

2. The Greedy Man

A wealthy man was never satisfied with what he had. One day, he found a magical stone that could turn anything into gold. Excited, he turned all his possessions into gold. But soon, he realized he couldn’t eat, drink, or live a normal life with gold. He lost everything. Moral: Greed leads to downfall.

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Hindi

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Hindi:-

1. खरगोश और कछुआ (The Hare and the Tortoise)

एक बार, एक खरगोश और एक कछुआ दौड़ में भाग लेने का निश्चय करते हैं। खरगोश अपनी तेज गति के कारण आराम से सो जाता है, जबकि कछुआ धीरे-धीरे लगातार चलता रहता है। अंत में, कछुआ जीत जाता है क्योंकि खरगोश समय पर नहीं जागता। Moral: धैर्य और निरंतरता सफलता दिलाते हैं।

2. लोमड़ी और अंगूर (The Fox and the Grapes)

एक भूखी लोमड़ी अंगूरों के गुच्छे को देखने के लिए ऊंची छलांग लगाती है। वह बहुत कोशिश करती है लेकिन अंगूर नहीं पहुंच पाती। अंत में, थक हार कर कहती है, “ये अंगूर खट्टे हैं,” और वहां से चली जाती है। Moral: जो हमें नहीं मिल सकता, उसे बुरा कहना आसान है।

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Tamil

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Tamil:-

1. ஓநாய் மற்றும் திருடர்கள் (The Wolf and the Thieves)

ஒரு ஓநாய் ஒரு ராத்திரியில் அதன் இரையை பிடிக்க வெளியில் சென்றது. இரை பிடிக்காமலிருந்த ஓநாய், திருடர்கள் தங்கள் சுமைகளை மறைக்க ஒரு மரத்தின் கீழ் தங்கியதை கண்டது. ஓநாய், அவர்களை காப்பாற்ற நினைத்தபோது, அவர்கள் ஓநாயை விரட்டியனுப்பினர். Moral: நல்லது செய்யும் முன், யார் என்பதை அறிந்து செயல்.

2. கரடி மற்றும் மகாசிங்கம் (The Bear and the Lion)

ஒரு கரடி மற்றும் மகாசிங்கம் ஒரு வனத்தில் இருந்தனர். அவர்கள் இருவரும் மிக நல்ல நண்பர்கள். ஒரு நாள், மகாசிங்கம் தனது தோழனை காப்பாற்ற, தனது உயிரை கொடுத்தான். கரடி அதன் நண்பனின் உறுதியையும் பாசத்தையும் பாராட்டியது. Moral: உறுதியான நட்பு பலமானது.

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in English

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in English:-

1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd boy, bored while watching the sheep, cried out “Wolf! Wolf!” for fun. The villagers came running, only to find there was no wolf. The boy laughed. He did this several times. One day, a real wolf came, and when the boy cried for help, no one believed him. The wolf ate the sheep. Moral: Lying breaks trust and has serious consequences.

2. The Ant and the Grasshopper

All summer, the ant worked hard collecting food while the grasshopper played and sang. When winter came, the ant had plenty of food, but the grasshopper had nothing. He begged the ant for food, but the ant reminded him of his laziness. Moral: Hard work and planning ahead are essential.

Kindergarten 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral

Here below mentioned 2, Kindergarten 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral:-

1. The Lion and the Mouse

A small mouse accidentally woke up a sleeping lion. The lion caught the mouse but decided to let it go. Later, the mouse saved the lion by gnawing through a net that trapped him. Moral: Even the smallest creatures can be helpful.

2. The Honest Woodcutter

A woodcutter lost his axe in a river. An angel appeared and offered him a golden axe, but he refused, saying it wasn’t his. The angel gave him his axe and rewarded him with the golden one for his honesty. Moral: Honesty is always rewarded.

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Telugu

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Telugu:-

1. పంది మరియు సింహం (The Pig and the Lion)

ఒక పంది ఒక సింహాన్ని ప్రాణాలకు ముప్పుగా చూస్తుంది. ఒక రోజు, సింహం ప్రమాదంలో పడుతుంది. పంది సింహాన్ని కాపాడుతుంది. సింహం కృతజ్ఞతతో తన శత్రువు పందిని స్నేహితునిగా మార్చుకుంటుంది. Moral: ప్రతివాడిలోనూ మంచి ఉంది.

2. గుండ్రని తీయని (The Round Sweet)

ఒక చిన్న అబ్బాయి ఒక గుండ్రని తీయని జలుబులో ఉన్నప్పుడు తినడానికి ప్రయత్నించాడు. అతను తిన్న తర్వాత, అతని దవడ నొప్పి పెరిగింది. అతను తీయని తినడం ఆపివేసి, ఆరోగ్యకరమైన ఆహారం తినడం ప్రారంభించాడు. Moral: ఆరోగ్యకరమైన ఆహారం మన ఆరోగ్యానికి మంచిది.

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Urdu

Here below mentioned 2, 10 Lines Short Stories with Moral in Urdu:-

1. شیر اور چوہا (The Lion and the Mouse)

ایک دن، ایک شیر سو رہا تھا جب ایک چھوٹا چوہا اس کے اوپر سے گزرا۔ شیر نے اسے پکڑ لیا، مگر چوہے کی معصومیت دیکھ کر چھوڑ دیا۔ بعد میں، چوہے نے شیر کو جال سے آزاد کرایا۔ Moral: چھوٹے جاندار بھی بڑے کام کر سکتے ہیں۔

2. ایماندار لکڑہارا (The Honest Woodcutter)

ایک لکڑہارا اپنی کلہاڑی دریا میں گرا بیٹھا۔ ایک فرشتہ آیا اور سونے کی کلہاڑی پیش کی، مگر لکڑہارے نے کہا کہ یہ اس کی نہیں ہے۔ فرشتہ نے اس کی ایمانداری دیکھ کر اسے سونے کی کلہاڑی بھی دی۔ Moral: ایمانداری کا ہمیشہ انعام ملتا ہے۔

10 Lines Short Stories with Moral

These 10 lines short stories with moral lessons, are perfect for readers of all ages and linguistic backgrounds. They provide timeless wisdom in just a few lines, making them easy to remember and share.


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