Creating sentences with given words is a fantastic way to enhance your language skills, whether you’re learning English, Hindi, or any other language. It helps you understand word usage, grammar, and sentence structure. In this blog, we’ll explore how to make sentences with given words in English and Hindi, provide examples, and even share a fun worksheet to practice. Let’s get started!
Make Sentences with Given Words in English
Make sentences with given words in English involves arranging words in a logical order to convey meaning. Here’s how you can do it:
- Identify the Subject and Verb: Start with the subject (who or what the sentence is about) and add a verb (action or state).
- Words given: cat, jumped
- Sentence: The cat jumped on the table.
- Add Details: Use adjectives, adverbs, or prepositions to make the sentence more descriptive.
- Words given: beautiful, garden, flowers
- Sentence: The beautiful garden is full of colorful flowers.
- Practice with Examples:
- Words given: boy, ball, played
- Sentence: The boy played with the ball.
- Words given: she, book, read
- Sentence: She read an interesting book.
- Words given: boy, ball, played
Make Sentences with Given Words in Hindi
Make sentences with given words In Hindi follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) pattern. Here’s how to create sentences:
- Identify the Subject and Verb:
- Words given: लड़का (boy), खेला (played)
- Sentence: लड़का खेला। (The boy played.)
- Add Objects and Details:
- Words given: सुंदर (beautiful), फूल (flowers), बगीचा (garden)
- Sentence: सुंदर बगीचे में फूल हैं। (There are flowers in the beautiful garden.)
- Practice with Examples:
- Words given: वह (she), किताब (book), पढ़ती (reads)
- Sentence: वह किताब पढ़ती है। (She reads a book.)
- Words given: मैं (I), खाना (food), पकाता (cook)
- Sentence: मैं खाना पकाता हूँ। (I cook food.)
- Words given: वह (she), किताब (book), पढ़ती (reads)

Make Sentences with Given Words Examples
Here are Make sentences with given words examples to help you practice:
In English:
- Words given: dog, barked, loudly
- Sentence: The dog barked loudly.
- Words given: they, movie, watched
- Sentence: They watched a movie.
In Hindi:
- Words given: बच्चे (children), खेलते (play), मैदान (field)
- Sentence: बच्चे मैदान में खेलते हैं। (Children play in the field.)
- Words given: माँ (mother), खाना (food), बनाती (cooks)
- Sentence: माँ खाना बनाती है। (Mother cooks food.)
Make Sentences with Given Words Worksheet
Practice makes perfect! Here’s a Make sentences with given words worksheet to help you master sentence formation:
English Worksheet:
- Words given: girl, sang, beautifully
- Your sentence: ___________________________
- Words given: he, car, drove
- Your sentence: ___________________________
- Words given: we, picnic, enjoyed
- Your sentence: ___________________________
Hindi Worksheet:
- Words given: गाय (cow), घास (grass), खाती (eats)
- Your sentence: ___________________________
- Words given: राम (Ram), पत्र (letter), लिखता (writes)
- Your sentence: ___________________________
- Words given: हम (we), गाना (song), गाते (sing)
- Your sentence: ___________________________
Making sentences with given words is a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. Whether you’re practicing in English or Hindi, this exercise helps you understand grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Use the examples and worksheet provided to sharpen your skills and become a confident communicator.
Ready to take your language learning to the next level? Join among top 10 spoken English classes online and master the art of sentence formation and communication!