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English Grammar for Class 3 – Syllabus and Worksheets

English Grammar for Class 3 – Syllabus and Worksheets

spoken English for kids

The process of learning English, much like the moral of a common tale that teachers tell novice students, progresses slowly and steadily. This is especially true for mastering English Grammar for class 3. English Grammar, like that of most languages, is vast and daunting. Teachers introduce children to each facet of the language and its grammar gradually at different levels of education.

Having mastered the basic of nouns and some other parts of speech in previous years, learn English grammar for Class 3 in the following-

English Grammar Syllabus for Class 3

Check out the English Grammar Syllabus for Class 3:-

  1. Sentences: Students learn about the different parts of a sentence and how exactly a sentence is formed as an amalgamation of different ingredients including nouns, adjectives, verbs, conjunctions, adverbs, pronouns, and more. Further, children are specifically taught about how a sentence can be an interrogative sentence and can hence be used to ask a question. Lastly, they are taught about sentences which are mere statements, the only goal with their use being simple communication of an idea.
  2. Nouns and Pronouns: The Class III NCERT syllabus talks in-depth about the noun, gendered nouns, and singular and plural nouns, giving students a general idea of what a noun is and some ways in which a noun can be used. Further a short and immediate introduction to pronouns helps the students to connect this set of chapters with the previous set on sentences in order to apply their understanding to both chapters parallelly.
  3. Punctuation: Two separate chapters on punctuation and the apostrophe respectively lay emphasis on another important component of grammar that can help students join the dots and create coherent sentences from scratch, forming the base for further education and elucidation on the English grammar front.
  4. Tense: The third-grade syllabus only focuses on imparting education about the present tense, introducing students to the simple present and present continuous tenses and also explaining how the present tense can be either negative or interrogative depending on the requirements of the context.
  5. Other parts of speech: While the third-grade syllabus also lays special emphasis on teaching students the use of common words like is, am, are, was, and were, it is also introducing the child to adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections, hence touching upon many parts of speech that are important for creating a complete and unfaltering base for the language in a child.
  6. Letter Writing: The final segment of the third-grade syllabus educates students on the art of writing a letter and introduces them on how a letter is written, teaching them the difference between a formal and informal letter and guiding them on how an informal letter is written and under what circumstances it may be written in that particular format. Letter writing then remains an integral part of the syllabus until thee Xth grade board exams. 
  7. Application Writing: Lastly, a child is taught how to write an application as a general exercise in writing and also with the short- and long-term goal being that the child is able to independently apply or petition for their needs in the educational space or work space in accordance with their particular needs.

Class 3 English Grammar Chapter Names

Read below for the Class 3 English Grammar Chapter Names:-

  • Chapter 1 The Sentence
  • 2- Part of Sentences
  • 3- Interrogative Sentences
  • 4- Statements
  • Chapter 5 The Noun
  • 6- Noun: Gender
  • 7- Singular and Plural Number
  • Etc…

English Grammar Worksheets for Class 3

Below are the 5 English Grammar Worksheets for Class 3:-

  1. Rewrite the following coherently
    1. Books good read I
    2. Sun the dawn at rises
    3. Night sleep early at I
    4. Birthday today my is
    5. The is flower rose my favourite
  2. Fill in the Blanks
    1. I _________ dancing.
    2. They ________ singing.
    3. The water in the bucket _________ cold.
    4. If I ____________ going there.
    5. _______ he not here?
  3. Pick out the adverbs in each sentence and point out its kind
    1. These mangoes are quite ripe. _________________________
    2. He is totally wrong. _______________________
    3. I hurt my knee yesterday. ____________________
    4. I am so glad of it. _____________________
  4. Write the plural forms of the following words
    1. Foot
    2. Sheep
    3. Ox
    4. Dice
    5. Die
  5. Choose the most suitable answer to complete the sentence
    1. Will you eat an ____________ for breakfast?
      1. Toy
      2. Apple
      3. Park
      4. Bird
    2. My _____________ wants to sleep
      1. Ball
      2. Tree
      3. Mother
      4. Handkercheif
    3. Ram and Shyam ______ a new toy.
      1. Have
      2. Has
      3. Was
      4. Were

Some tips and tricks to master English Grammar for class 3 at a young age is to follow PC Wren’s book on Grammar or read books and consume online material with the specific goal of improving your relationship with the English language. 


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