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English Grammar for Class 8 – Syllabus & Worksheets

English Grammar for Class 8 – Syllabus & Worksheets

English grammar for class 8

English is a medium of communication at most schools in our country. The language is primarily part of students’ subject books, and having a grasp of the language makes it easier for young minds to understand the subjects.

Moreover, students who build good English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills can easily score high marks and improve their overall yearly percentage. Besides English grammar for class 8, students also come across prose, poetry, and composition. 

Introduction to Class 8 English Grammar:-

English is an important subject for students of any grade. The intricacies of the language enable them to become more familiar with native English speakers. As a result, understanding the basics of English grammar becomes highly essential. 

Class 8 students often refer to ten-year papers, mock tests, worksheets, and live video answers to become fluent in English. They are often also informed about speaking it as much as possible to grasp tone and word usage and become a more fluent speaker.  

English Grammar Syllabus for Class 8

Below is the English grammar syllabus for class 8:-

  1. Sentence Writing, 
  2. Conjunctions, 
  3. Order of words, 
  4. Interjection, 
  5. Subject and Predicate, 
  6. Articles, 
  7. Nouns, 
  8. Punctuation and Capital letters, 
  9. Pronouns, 
  10. Active and Passive Voice, 
  11. Verbs, Direct and Indirect, 
  12. Adjective, 
  13. Comprehension, 
  14. Adverb, 
  15. Story Writing, 
  16. Tense, 
  17. Letter Writing, 
  18. Preposition and 
  19. Essay writing.

Class 8 English Grammar Chapters:-

The following is the order of Class 8 English grammar chapters:

  1. The Sentence
  2. Order of Words
  3. Subject and Predicate
  4. The Noun
  5. The Pronoun
  6. The Verb
  7. The Adjective
  8. The Adverb
  9. The Tense
  10. The Preposition
  11. Conjunctions
  12. Interjections
  13. The Article
  14. Punctuation and Capital Letters
  15. Active and Passive Voice
  16. Direct and Indirect Speech
  17. Comprehension
  18. Story Writing
  19. Letter Writing
  20. Essay Writing

English Grammar Worksheets for Class 8:-

English grammar worksheet for class 8: Fill in the blank with the correct word:

The population of our country is increasing daily. People are living on the  ____ (street) and eating whatever they can manage. The ___ (life) of people have become dangerous. The living condition of ____ (people) has not improved. 


  1. Streets
  2. Lives
  3. People

English grammar worksheet for class 8: Rearrange Sentence

The most important task/protect the borders/of the navy/ is to/at sea


The most important task of the navy is to protect the borders at sea.

Drinking/keeps a person healthy/four litres/ of water/a day

Answer: Drinking four litres of water keeps a person healthy.

Reading academic books/good for children/is

Answer: Reading academic books is good for children.

Tips for Class 8 Students to Improve English:-

1. Practice Everyday

Solving worksheets, answering English language quizzes, and repeatedly matching answers with the ten-year English language solutions will help class 8th students. It will also familiarize the young learners with the question formats and enable them to score high.

2. Become Resourceful

Read academic English books, articles, magazines, etc., to develop a great vocabulary and learn about sentence structuring. The practice will also make you familiar with current affairs and expected paragraphs in the English paper. 

3. Rewrite Paragraphs and Articles

Writing is one of the simplest methods of enhancing the grammar skills of the language. It also involves using your new vocabulary to improve essay/article writing structure. Moreover, youngsters also become familiar with the apt usage of words in a sentence.

Best English Grammar Book for Class 8:-

Choosing the best English grammar book for class 8 student depends on various factors like curriculum, learning style, and individual needs. Here are some highly-rated options with different strengths, along with some things to consider before making your final decision:

1. Wren & Martin: High School English Grammar & Composition

2. Raymond Murphy’s Essential English Grammar in Use

3. Oxford English Grammar Course for Class 8

4. Collins Complete English Grammar & Practice for Class 8

English Grammar Chart for Class 8:-

An English grammar chart for class 8 can be a handy reference tool for students to quickly revise and remember key concepts. Here’s a comprehensive chart covering essential grammar topics:


Punctuation MarkUseExample
PeriodEnds a sentenceThe boy went to school.
Question MarkEnds a questionWhat is your name?
Exclamation MarkShows strong emotionWow! That was amazing!
CommaSeparates words or phrases in a sentenceHe bought a book, a pen, and a notebook.

Sentence Structure:

Sentence TypeDefinitionExample
Simple SentenceOne subject and one verbThe cat sleeps.
Compound SentenceTwo or more independent clauses joined by a conjunctionThe cat sleeps and the dog barks.
Complex SentenceOne independent clause and one or more dependent clausesThe cat sleeps because it is tired.


Present SimpleHabits, general truths, actions happening nowShe reads every day. The sun rises in the east.
Present ContinuousActions happening now or around nowI am writing a letter. They are playing football.
Present PerfectActions completed at an unspecified time before nowShe has finished her homework.
Past SimpleActions completed in the pastHe went to the park yesterday.
Past ContinuousActions happening at a specific time in the pastI was watching TV when the phone rang.
Past PerfectActions completed before another action in the pastShe had eaten breakfast before she went to school.

FAQs – English Grammar for Class 8

1. Why is English grammar important for class 8 students?

Ans– Strong grammar skills are crucial for clear and effective communication, both written and spoken. They also support reading comprehension and sentence analysis, laying a foundation for future language development.

2. What are the most important tenses to learn in class 8?

Ans– Focus on mastering the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, and Past Continuous tenses. These form the foundation for understanding timeframes and expressing various actions.

3. What are some effective strategies for improving English grammar in class 8?

Ans– Practice is key! Engage in regular exercises, games, and interactive activities to reinforce learning. Use the language actively in daily communication and writing. Visual aids like charts and diagrams can also be helpful.


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