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English Speech Topics for Students – 1 and 2 minute

English Speech Topics for Students – 1 and 2 minute

online English speaking course

English Speech Topics for Students

Writing a speech is not easy because speeches are given to the public rather than to a teacher. It should have a topic that grabs the listeners’ attention, doesn’t make them feel it is monotonous or boring and persuades viewers to take action. 

Nowadays, students have to give 1-2 two minutes speeches, which is much better than extempore, wherein the student receives the topic on the spot. Therefore, the student has to prepare for multiple topics. 

Speeches give the student a chance to research thoroughly on a single chosen topic, create points of addressing in an organized manner, and make the viewers understand the importance of the topic.

1 Minute Speech Topics for Students

Below is the list of few 1 minute speech topics for students:-

1. What do I want to become? Why?

2. How is pollution affecting lives?

3. What would I do if I was Batman?

4. How has social media helped me?

5. Why do I watch ___ show?

6. __ character is my favorite because__

7. What did I learn by playing cricket?

8. Who is my favorite teacher? Why?

9. What do I do in my free time?

10. The one bad habit I am trying to overcome.

2 Minute Speech Topics for Students

Below is the list of few 2 minute speech topics for students:-

1. Books vs. Movies: Which is better? Why?

2. Importance of technology in our lives.

3. Smart Work: Good or Bad? Why?

4. Children’s reality shows: A Boon or Not? Why?

5. What values have I learned from homework?

6. Importance of communication

7. Importance of recycling

8. Women leaders: Good or Bad? Why?

9. Hard lessons learned during the pandemic

10. Importance of human life

English Speech Topics on Social Issues

Below is the list of few English speech topics on social issues:-

1. Feminism

2. Casteism

3. Racism

4. Child Trafficking

5. Unemployment

6. Child Labor

7. Child Education

8. Communism

9. Capitalism

10. Equality

English Speech Topics on Proverbs

Below is the list of few English speech topics on proverbs:-

1. The pen is mightier than the sword.

2. Laughter is the best medicine.

3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

4. A picture is worth a thousand words.

5. Ignorance is bliss.

6. Knowledge is power.

7. Better safe than sorry.

8. A cat has nine lives.

9. Actions speak louder than words.

10. Strike while the iron is hot.

English Speech Topics on Education

Below is the list of few English speech topics on Education:-

1. Importance of Girl Education

2. Importance of Education in India

3. Teachers make the best parents.

4. Advantages of online spoken English classes.

5. What are the advantages of going to a college abroad?

6. Teacher or AI: Which is better? Why?

7. Lifestyle changes after finishing school.

8. College guidelines that should also apply in schools.

9. Impact of student union protests during exams.

10. Lifetime repercussions of cheating during exams.

English Speaking Topics

Below is the list of few general English speaking topics:-

1. Youth in India

2. Women’s rights

3. Leadership skills

4. Generation gap

5. Family values

6. Outdoor vs. Indoor games

7. Elections

8. Exercising

9. Online Education

10. TV Shows: Have they increased our tv time?  

English Speech Topics on Environment

Below is the list of few English speech topics on Environment:-

1. Pollution

2. Climate change

3. Global warming

4. E-waste management

5. Importance of protecting tigers

6. Impact of 5G on our environment

7. Mismanagement of natural resources

8. Deforestation

9. Disaster management

10. Water conservation

Conclusion – Speech topics for Kids

Kids can speak on various topics based on their grades and knowledge of subjects. Helping kids prepare public speeches can enable them to become leaders in a specific field and contribute to society. An effective way of telling kids to create a speech is to ask them to speak about themselves and create a list of pointers they would like to cover. Speech topics for kids will help students to understand the importance of storytelling and retaining attention. Moreover, the method will enable them to think more like listeners than speakers.


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